Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Quick Update

Since I took a big Facebook break last winter, I've been posting considerably less than what I used to in the past. I update with my blog, an occasional picture and an update once in a while. I thought that I'd give an update on Sarah for those of you who enjoy my blog and would like to know how things are.

Last fall, Sarah saw a dentist for some concerns that I had. Upon a quick examination, it was clear that there was some work to be done but due to her lack of cooperation, we determined that IV sedation would be the only way to get her teeth fixed. In December we received a call saying that her appointment would be on April 4. That date seemed so far away at the time. All of winter, Christmas, my birthday... and now here we are two days before and the appointment is approaching very fast.

I hate having to do things for Sarah that will be extremely stressful on her, even though I know it's in her best interest. So much will happen to her on Friday and I will be powerless to save or rescue her. The numbing cream on her hands, the funny hospital pyjamas, the overall strange smells and sounds of a hospital... all these things that will put her already ultra sensitive sensory issues into overload. I think unless you've been there, you may not even be able to understand the scope of how hard it can be. She begs me to take her home with tears rolling down her face and I feel like I betray her because I can't simply save her. She trusts me for everything in her life. For food, water, safety and protection. That's my job; to protect and advocate for her. I'm not going to deny her the opportunity to have her teeth fixed even though it will just be one of those very hard days. I am SO thankful that Doug's work has been able to get our insurance sorted out early (before him being there for three full months) so that this procedure will be covered in part. I am also very grateful that he works in a place that it sensitive to family issues and can allow him the day off to spend with Sarah and I.

Tomorrow between 1:00 & 2:00, I have to call the hospital for my Friday appointment time. That's the soonest that I'll know more. Because she won't be able to eat after mid-night, I am really hoping for an early morning slot. It would be so nice to be done as soon as possible and come home to recover.

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